Saturday, 28 September 2024

Interview with David Vincent from Morbid Angel before their Australian Tour in 2014

Metalithic: Hi David, it's The, how are you today?

DAVID: I'm doing Fantastic!

Metalithic: What do you think the difference is of the metal scene today, compared to back in the late 80's and early 90's?

DAVID: Well there certainly are a whole lot more bands, um that's probably the biggest thing, I still think that there's some really good stuff that I hear, and you know some people do it really well and some you know are a lot more derivative.

Metalithic: Are you looking forward to coming back to Australia soon for your upcoming tour?

DAVID: Oh you betcha, I love Australia. We have a lot of friends down there and we've been down there several times and we've always have really good shows and we're looking forward to the same and making some new friends and seeing some old friends and playing some great music.

Metalithic: You will be performing the Classic Morbid Angel album Covenant in it's entirety is this something that the band has wanted to do for a while now?

DAVID: Well we did it in the states and we've had calls, you know people hear that you do something and they want you to do it for them too, it's a neat theme.  I've seen a lot of bands that have done themed tours lately and I like it as well and it gives people a chance to hear the album in it's entirety because I don't think we've played the album in it's entirety before, before this tour.

Metalithic: Are morbid angel currently working on any new material at the moment for a new album or dvd?

DAVID: Oh I'm always working on new material 

Metalithic: What sort of style will your next album be? is it going to be like your previous album with the industrial influences or will you be going back to the more traditional death metal style?

DAVID: Well I don't know what traditional death metal is, for morbid angel traditional has always been doing any manner of things that are expected and or unexpected so we're a band just full of surprises, but we had a lot of different subjects, it just so happens that we had a couple more on this record than we had on previous records.

Metalithic: Morbid Angel has released some of the greatest and most important Death Metal albums of all time, what were some of your influences throughout the early years and what are some of your influences now?

DAVID: Well I mean from an influential stand point my influences have always been the same, you know older, the metal that came before us, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest and some cases Iron Maiden, ? You know the stuff we listened to when we were growing up.

Metalithic: I am fortunate enough to own Satan's Revenge part II the compilation death metal vinyl from 1988, 

DAVID:Oh wow yeah, from new renaissance yeah.

Metalithic: Yeah that's it.  I've heard that the track Thy Kingdom Come was the very first Morbid Angel song pressed to vinyl? is this true or did you have a vinyl out before satans revenge II?

DAVID: That may be, we had some singles and stuff and most of it back then was really a lot of tape trading and stuff you know, I don't even think that that thing came out on CD.

Metalithic: What are some of your favourite songs to play live?

DAVID: You know that depends on the night, I like all the material because you know there's such a diversity in it.  So I just enjoy performing songs and sharing music with people, in other words I'm not sick and tired of any of it.

Metalithic: Well that's a good thing.

DAVID: Well I think so.

Metalithic: What's are some of the craziest stories you remember from being on the road?

DAVID: Well usually involving law enforcement, that's would be the negative kind of crazy.  Well you know we have a good time, we enjoy visiting with our friends and fans and travelling around, it's what we always what we wanted to do it's what we do you know? it's not a job it's a vocation.

Metalithic: Thanks for taking the time to talk to us, and we look forward to seeing you back in Australia soon!

DAVID: Well that's awesome, which city are you located in?

Metalithic: I'm in Adelaide, Unfortunately you aren't coming here so we'll have to travel to a show

DAVID: Ohh No!

Metalithic: Most of the tours don't really come to Adelaide, which is unfortunade but oh well, what can you do.

DAVID: We have been there in the past but it seems like we haven't been there in a number of years, maybe the promoters didn't feel like that for what ever reason, well you know we don't really book our own shows so we have to rely on the local knowledge.

Metalithic: I used to work with Soundworks with Dysie and Brad, a lot of the time they don't bring tours to Adelaide because there's not that much of a metal scene here, Like I'm sure a show would sell out but I think venue wise there aren't many venues that have a decent capacity so I don't think there would be many ticket sales.

DAVID: Ahh gotcha, well maybe one day, there's always something for the future.

Metalithic: Well take care anyway.

DAVID: Thanks a bunch.

Metalithic: No problem seeya later.

DAVID: alright cheers.

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