Aborted: The Necrotic Manifesto
Aborted are back with their huge goresplosion of an album entitled The Necrotic Manifesto and from the opening sound byte you know this is going to be a devastating album...
I will say that I'm not much of a fan of modern Death Metal but this album keeps with the traditions of the old ways and flays it out on the slab for modern ears to devour. This album keeps me interested than most modern Death Metal with all of the awesome solo's and dual vocals it's not just the same sounds over and over and the slams are fucking huge as are the blasts and furious drumming on the album it's a fire fight within a war within a nuclear fire it's just epic. I've never been much of a fan of the sound bytes that Death Metal bands put within their music but on this album it's not over used or just horrific gore noises it sets up the tracks really well.
Everything on this album is just used really well, there's no over use of anything, which seems to be the staple for death metal these days, when used in moderation these huge aspects of the music can become the focal points as opposed to being something you expect which is a huge kudos to Aborted. Nothing sounds the same and each track is unique in it's own right and keeps in with the aesthetic of the album and the Aborted sound which is awesome.
The Necrotic Manifesto is just a huge sounding album, but the tracks never sound cluttered or over produced which is an awesome thing to hear, a lot of the time these days Death Metal all sounds cold and robotic and without a soul but this has a warmth to it which makes this album just sound absolutely massive. As I said all of the tracks sound different, you are never left with the feeling that you heard something before and some of the stand out tracks are the ones that give even a different feel to the normal death metal sound such as track 10 “Die Verzweiflung” which is a slammy, slow, almost doomy track with some massive drums and awesome guitar squeals, for me this track just destroyed the preconcieved notions I had of modern DM. Look I could sit here and describe this album track by track, note by note but all you really need to know is that this album is just huge and sounds awesome and in my opinion this is what modern death metal should sound like.
No over use of sound bytes
Warmth and feeling, doesn't sound robotic and soulless
The solo's and drumming are off the fucking chain
The whole album sounds wicked
I honestly can't think of any...
Overall Impression:
This is what modern death metal should sound like Aborted have raised the bar in my opinion, offers something new to the ever growing Death Metal genre.
Track List:
Six Feet Of Foreplay
The Extirpation Agenda
Necrotic Manifesto
An Enumeration Of Cadavers
Your Entitlement Means Nothing
The Davidian Deceit
Coffin Upon Coffin
Chronicles Of Detruncation
Sade & Libertine Lunacy
Die Verzweiflung
Excremental Veracity
Purity Of Perversion
Of Dead Skin & Decay
Total Running Time: 42:34
Sven De Caluwe - Gurgloroth
Mendel Bij De Leij - Flesh Upon The Razor Wire
Danny Tunker - Immaculate Resection
JB van der Wal - Nocturnal Pulse
Ken Bedene - Hymen Blaster
Genre: Death Metal
Release Date: 28th April 2014
Label: Century Media
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