Sunday, 30 April 2017

Paranormal Shmaranormal

From the veil of the underworld the spirits rise unto this plane of existence to finish what they were unable during their short time.  or are they lost souls condemned to wander aimlessly, perhaps they died so fast they were unaware of their deaths and still think they're alive, or perhaps they're still searching for their loved ones.  

Whatever the case I find the subject so fascinating and interesting, I know a lot of people find it complete hokum which is fair enough.  I however really believe there is a lot of unexplained phenomena in this universe that cannot be quantified by what we perceive, I believe there are other planes of existence or there are things on this plane that can't be explained.  Whatever you believe I think that once you've seen or heard something that can't be explained you'll be looking for the answers as well.

Now, I've never seen anything like a man in the dark as so many ghost stories are described, I think it's more sensory and peoples brains fill in the rest of the details.  I'm going to tell you a few of my own stories soon but first I'm going to try and tell you a bit about me and how my brain works.

These days whenever I see or notice something strange I automatically think of the paranormal, and I think that's because I watch so many documentaries or horror movies but as soon as my rational brain catches up, I try and debunk whatever it is that I've just seen and over the years I have debunked countless things that my brain sees as paranormal but there are a few that I have not been able to debunk and that stick in my thoughts to this day and have lead me to the point where I am now, seeking answers and wanting to know more.

I think my awakening to the paranormal was when we went to jolly old England on a family holiday and while over there we saw and toured so many of the castles strewn across the countryside and the majority were completely fine and really fun to explore and look at, I've always been a history buff so this was a 14 year old nerdy boys wet dream.  There was one castle though, it was a rainy and very cold morning and we were there before the gates opened so we were taking a walk through the graveyard (which set the tone for the rest of the morning) and my brother, my dad and myself
Hermitage Castle
stumbled upon one of the graves that was much larger than the rest, which turned out to be a giants grave or so the plaque said.  Anyway after a short while the caretaker came and opened up the castle and told us about the place which was called Hermitage castle I can't remember any of the specifics of the place, but it was more like a tower rather than a full castle set amongst the rolling hills near the border of scotland.  The caretaker said to us that there have been ghost sightings here and what not, but most of the caretakers or tour guides had told us that for the 10 or so other castles we had been to.  Then she said "there's a room in this castle where some people get an uneasy feeling, I won't tell you which one, you tell me on the way out".  I just thought to myself, ok yeah right... so as we're walking around the castle I see my dad and brother go down in to the cellar where there was a well, while I was looking at the 500 year old makers mark on the brickwork, they came out of that room in a hurry and my brother said "we found it" I was like ok then let me see for myself, so I walked down there and there was this extremely heavy feeling hit me, kind of like anxiety but it was something so dark, like sometime in the distant past something really evil and extremely emotional happened in that room and I was getting all of the emotion flow through my body like electricity, I didn't feel anything throughout the rest of the castle just in that room.  I really couldn't get out of there fast enough, my eyes were watering as I fled, it's a feeling I'll never forget.

I think it was from that point on I wanted to know what could possibly make me feel like that.

From there I got older and I kind of forgot about it all throughout my later teenage years and then when I was in my early 20s I moved in to a relative's 150 year old house a place in which I experienced a number of occurrences, now as it's an old place I realise what you're thinking, it's an old house things creak and clank... I know that, I've lived in old houses before and I know all of the sounds they make and even the sounds the animals make of which there were a lot.  This place was owned by my dad's Auntie who was quite a gruff and to the point old lady, but very loving.  My girlfriend at the time and her sister moved in to my great aunties place as she wasn't living there anymore, she was living in a nursing home at the time.  I'll just list the things that happened in this place that I couldn't explain.
When myself and a few mates were sitting around the light in the lounge room was just spinning around in a circle, even after we stopped it, it started back up and began spinning around again.  that only ever happened once, never saw it again.

I woke to the feeling of someone standing at the end of my bed, I didn't see anything it was just an anxious feeling of being watched from somewhere in the darkness.

I woke to the windows in my bedroom violently shaking on more than 1 occasion, which was really odd as these were really big old hard wooden windows that barely shook in really windy weather so it would have to be something quite powerful to manage that.

When I lived there on my own I used to sit in my room listening to music with headphones on and I would constantly have to take my headphones off and turn around because I felt like someone was standing behind me, it happened so often I had to unpack my speakers and use them instead.

The next couple happened while drunk so they may or may not have happened the way I remember them.

We were drinking one night and we were cooking food in the kitchen, we left and came back to an egg sitting in a pile of ash on the counter, the ash used to be the egg carton, my mate thinks he left a cigarette sitting on the carton but I don't recall that.

As I said earlier the house was 150 years old so the old wooden floors sagged towards the middle of the room, sometime during the night a beer bottle got knocked over and seemingly rolled up towards the wall under it's own power.

Back to the normal experiences.

One time while sleeping my girlfriend at the time screamed and jumped on top of me trying to get away from her side of the bed as if to protect herself, she swore she opened her eyes and saw a face staring directly at her from the side of the room.

I used to hear the floorboards in the hallway creak as if someone was walking on them even though I was the only one living there at the time.

I can't think of any more instances or strange happenings from that place, all of these things are strange but I never really felt threatened or like I was in danger it was just a strange feeling of being watched, so I have a feeling it was family or something non threatened by our presence. 

Now moving right along to the most recent things that have happened to me, a year and a bit ago I went to live with my now wifes family in NSW which was great, we had a nice large room to live in while we could save up for a house.  but while living there I had a couple of strange things happen to me and so has my Wife and she has had a couple of the same experiences as me.  There's a bathroom in the middle of the house which was the main bathroom which had a separate toilet right next door and it was in the hallway or just in the little alcove before where the bathroom and toilet doors are.  Everytime I walked past I used to get goose bumps or that feeling of I don't want to look over there because if I do I'm going to see something I really don't want to see.  I also used to get flash images occasionally when I opened the door to the toilet of someone small standing there.  There was another time when I was just getting in to bed, I was tired but not asleep, I laid down and closed my eyes, what sounded like a small child whispered directly in my ear and as clear as day I heard "are you going to be ok" which terrified me.  I woke my then fiance up to see if it was her... it was not.

Ok so now you know why I love watching these shows and exploring the unknown, I want to confirm what I've seen with my own eyes and felt on my skin and in my heart, I know that sometimes I don't seem to follow the most rational train of thought when it comes to things of this nature but it's something that really interests me and if I can't explain it I like to think that there is something else out there, something that we can't explain because the only other option is that I'm mental, and I like to think I'm a pretty stable albeit strange human being.

These things probably sound like complete nonsense to most people, but I would honestly love to hear whether you have had any experiences yourselves let me know and comment below!

I'll drop a link down here and you can judge for yourself, this guy seems really genuine and his videos are quite terrifying.

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