So, this is my first post, one of hopefully many. I've been known to start something and not continue on with it, but here goes. This is probably going to be a bit of a controversial subject for many but hopefully enlightening for some. What becomes of us, as a human race from here? not physically but spiritually. We've put so much time into religion and as the earth has grown and expanded and become more self enlightened the veil of religion has started to fade away and more and more people are becoming atheist. But, as this has happened we see other things rise up and take its place, as the human race always needs something to impart its insecurities upon, it needs something to scream its self importance at. I'm talking about the whole equality / feminist movement, now I'm all for equality and I believe that every person should be given the same rights as another but what really bothers me is the pettiness of this current wave... We need some female crossing lights at intersections... really? That's not really solving anything, I don't think most people really even acknowledged it as a man, Green = Go, Red = Stop... Not "you'll walk when the man says it's ok" or "the man has deemed it not safe to cross". It honestly just confuses me, why is that a pressing issue? There are far more important things to be worried about in this crazy world. This is obviously just one example in a sea of thousands but why people even care about things like this is beyond me.
Another thing I don't understand about this whole movement is the "being offended" thing... If you're offended by something that should be your problem but as with everything these days, social media has a very loud voice... So now someone gets offended by something they can write up about how offended they are and gather other like minded individuals in to a group of offendeds and they can bring about massive change for themselves, the small minority of people in the world that are offended by the same thing... How and why is a mystery to me, but it's probably got something to do with getting the people off their backs, "if we just change this fucking thing they'll shut up and we can get the fuck on with what we we're doing" or "if I apologise for offending this tiny obnoxious minority I'll be able to get on with my life". If you get offended by someone or something that should be up to you to deal with, not anyone else, don't listen or don't look if it really offends you, there's nothing that says people have to abide by your ideals or even those of the majority, people can do, say, and wear whatever they want, as a free country that's the way it works,
I guess in summary and the answer I want answered is, is this going to get any better or is it going to get worse? are we going to end up in a dystopian world not unlike the universe of Equilibrium or V for Vendetta, where someone voicing their personal thoughts which are considered taboo can get a person killed or where owning literature or art deemed "rude or offensive" can get a person thrown in a gulag. I don't know where we're headed and I don't know what's coming up but the outlook does not look good. We as a human race need to start looking after one another, we're all stuck here together and we're all just trying to find our place on this rock that is hurtling through space, I think everyone needs to just calm down, look up in to the cosmos and just look at the gravity of where we are and how insignificant these arguments are in the grand scheme of things.
I'm just one guy and these opinions are mine alone, I know many people might have a very different opinion to me and that's fine, you can think whatever you want to think I'm just going by what I perceive and what I think is strange, weird, and confusing behaviour.
Cheers for reading,
VikingHammer, OUT!
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